Why Does My Yorkie Puppy Attack My Baby Boy?
Published on November 15 2022 429 views


Why Does My Yorkie Puppy Attack My Baby Boy?

Yorkie puppy attack my baby boy|Yorkie puppy attack my baby boy

Why Does My Yorkie Puppy Attack My Baby Boy?


If your Yorkie puppy is attacking your baby boy, you may need to take immediate action to prevent further harm. Start by placing him in time out for five to twenty minutes. Then, release him, making sure to bring him back to the position he was in when he started acting aggressively.

You may also want to consider getting a puppy guard dog. These dogs are excellent watchdogs, but be careful when introducing them to children. You need to take precautions and be prepared for any unforeseen situations. In the following video, the Yorkie pup approaches the baby boy while the baby is focused on something else.

The baby has suffered a bruise and scraped skin, but there is no lasting damage. In the meantime, you must establish clear boundaries between your baby and your dog. Your puppy cannot access your baby's crib or other sleeping areas without your permission. You should also take measures to ensure that your child is up to date on all vaccinations.

It is advisable to use a leash whenever the puppy is playing with children. This will help you to correct bad behavior as it happens. Aggressive behaviour should never be tolerated. Otherwise, it will only continue and worsen.